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Megan Brown

I had been on a path to God for a while but had a severe distrust of religion and those proclaiming to speak with any authority on the matter. How could anyone really know? My husband is a cradle Catholic and we had fervent debates about him going back to the Church and wanting to live his Catholic faith. He had found the Church’s teachings on particular moral subjects very compelling now that he understood their basis, and I felt like I was losing the man I thought I knew.

But we would talk about his journey and I’d try to listen with an open mind. I finally realized the change in his life that was making him a better husband and father and started being less antagonistic toward it. I started accepting it and trying better to understand the Catholic Faith myself.

Finally, at the gentle nudging of my husband, I watched the first episode of the CATHOLICISM series. Bishop Barron put it so simply, in a way I had never considered before: Jesus can’t be a good spiritual leader, an all-around good guy, and not be the son of God (paraphrasing poorly). That would make him a liar. So he must be either a liar, or he is who he says he is.

It was like a light switched on in my head. That simple argument at the beginning of the first episode was what I needed to understand to convert me, to help me let go of my distrust.

I started RCIA the following week and was baptized and confirmed on Easter Vigil in 2016. Thank you Bishop Barron and Word on Fire for your beautiful ministry. It has truly changed our lives.

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