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I was confirmed into the Catholic Church just this past Easter Vigil (alleluia!) after teetering back and forth about whether or not to actually go through RCIA, mostly because I am also gay.
There have been points when I was ashamed of myself and tried to “change” my orientation. Lo and behold, that didn’t work. So I spoke with a nun at the local parish and asked what sort of future somebody like me could have in the Church. She lovingly guided me through various resources to show me that my homosexual inclination is just one of many states of being that orient one toward sinning, much like every other human being under the sun, but that in itself is not a sin.
Since then, I’ve been meeting more people and delving into more books and resources that the Church has to offer and just...wow. Thank the Lord for Pope Francis’ encouragement and the support of my parishioners, but especially for Bishop Barron’s podcasts and YouTube videos. Those taught me late into the night about the vast richness and beauty, the mercy and graces, found in the halls of the Catholic Church.
To me, one of the most important videos from Bishop Barron was, obviously, the one he made on homosexuality. There he is unapologetic about his beliefs, but at the same time he states the truth in a merciful and understanding way. He is somehow able to articulate the matters of homosexuality without coming across as accusatory or condemning.
A well-worn but very true statement from the Bishop is that people don’t desire dumbed-down Catholicism, and that they would prefer to hear the full truth no matter how complicated or uncomfortable it is.
That was fulfilled when he spoke to me (via YouTube) about my sexual orientation and how I could still lead my life in a spiritually meaningful way and be just as faithful as any other Catholic, even given my orientation.
Gay people like myself don’t need sugar-coated Christianity. Our feelings won’t be hurt if only someone will teach us and share with us the Gospel in a loving and educated way, such as the content Bishop Barron and the Word on Fire people so effectively do.
Thank you Bishop Barron and the Word on Fire team for making the Catholic Church a place where someone like me can live out a life of faith in the most beautiful, good, and true religion in the world. God bless!